CHAT Session with DJ Fire & Airwave
Včerejąí chat session s dvojicí DJ Fire & Airwave byl hodně zajímavý, i kdyľ jsem měl co dělat jej pořádně sledovat, neb na fotbal s Realem Madrid se prostě nedalo nedívat. Předem bych chtěl podotknout, ľe zpracovat tehle chat / interview nebylo vůbec snadné, protoľe chat na je konstruován tak, ľe neumoľňuje copy & paste. A tak jsem vyrobil přes dvacet printscreenů a některé odpovědi jsem ručně psal do textového souboru. Myslím ale, ľe vynaloľená námaha za to stála a vy si tak můľete vychutnat odpovědi na někdy oąemetné a někdy spíąe úsměvné otázky, které jsem pokládal jak já, tak samozřejmě i ostatní účastníci chatu (v největąím náporu tam bylo tak 30-40 lidí). Dokonce jsem tam viděl i daląí lidi z Česka, coľ bylo super, protoľe teď Airwave minimálně ví, ľe má fanouąky i v naąí malé zemi.
CHAT Session with DJ Fire & Airwave
(taken from DJ Fire & Airwave 21.11.2001 chat session on, most answers by Airwave, some answers by DJ Fire. Special thanx to all people, who asked both producers / dj’s.)
Do you like some German producers / dj’s ? If yes, which ?
Pvd a Timo Maas
You said, that you like PVD and Timo Maas from German producers/djs. And what about Oliver Lieb ? Do you like him also?
Oliver Lieb, yea a lot, but i prefer timo and pvd
Do you like iio – rapture ? if yes, which remix ?
Armin Van Buuren.
Name of your next release ?
Airwave – Another dimension.
When we can expect new Planisphere ? I think this is one of your better projects far away )
Im working on new Planispehere.
Who is for you best dj ?
Tiesto, PVD, Digveed, Sasha, Armin.
Have you ever been in Czech Republic ?
Haven’t been there b4 but would love to.
How often do you use internet ? 2 hours daily, 4,6,8 ?)
8 hours a day )
Do you know some czech DJ ?)
Not at all.
Did you like ur remix of Ayumi’s „Unite“ ?
Yes a lot, as my girlfriend.
What style do you prefer to listen: MELODIC or PROGRESSIVE ?
BOTH at the same time.
Do you like football? Have you seen match between Belgium and Czech Republic last week ?
Belgium go to koreaaaaaa.
It’s hard to to stay here, because we have Real Madrid at Prague at this moment .. )) I can’t choose whether stay in chat or watch TV ))
Watch football then.
How long did it take you got first contract at record company ?
4 years and 55 records to finally break .. )
Are you resident in some club ?
Not at the moment.
What will be next trance hit in your opinion?
Airwave – Another dimension.
How old are you, if it isn’t a secret ?)
Fire – 29 years
Airwave – 23 years
Airwave or Ice …. You guys think a producer needs natural talent to make great tracks, or can a person make great tracks anyway..with pure luck or something?
Airwave: You can be lucky once but not twice.
Fire: Pure luck certainly has something to do with it.
How many you did (records) till today ?
I made more than 60 records and about 30 remixes.
Do you get a lot of e-mails from amateur-producers begging you to listen to their mp3-tracks..(so you could recommend them to bonzai or something!) lol
Airwave: no
Fire: We don’t have to listen to demo’s, that’s the a&r department
Any life performances comming up?
Fire: no live performances yet…
Airwave: yea, no live pa’s. If only we had the time.
What do you think about mixing with cd’s?
Airwave: I do it regularly, especially when the club has a pair of cdj 1000s.
Fire: Mixing with cd’s is ok, but difficult, records are easier.
Do you have other style that you like to produce except melodic? Rank1 started to produce acid …
What do you think about drugs, extasy at parties ? Are you taking drugs also? Sometimes, for better feeling or something like this ?) For better producing ?
I’m totally NOT in drugs.
What do you think about mp3z of your tracks ?
It’s good for the name, but not good for my bank account.
What was the biggest audience you played for ?
2000 people i think, or 3000.
How long does it take to produce a track ?
About a week for a track, but sometimes it takes 2 hours, like above the sky or lost emotions.
Have you ever tried to play from PC?
Airwave: No.
Fire: No, never.
Do you care what reviewer’s think (and writes) about your music?
Airwave: Sometimes.
Fire: Of course, it’s very important what people think, especially reviewers.
What about the new Velvet Girl, will there be vocal remixes like „Velvet“ which was really good for vocal trance ?
Yes, definitely same singer.
What sampler do you use?
I have no sampler, i have a full digital audio system with a virtual sampler (EXS24).
What do you think about the „cheese trance“ like Barthezz for example?…do they make the scene grow wider, or are they just bad?
They’re good.
Where do you buy sample CD’s ?
Other news taken from chat session:
Airwave is working on one of his new tracks together with Armin van Buuren.
Watch out for the Airwave remix of the rerelease from Jones & Stephenson „The First Rebirth“
Airwave also said: I play more trancey in England and more progressive in Belgium.
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