TRANCE.CZ - Elektronická taneční hudba v ČR i ze světa.


Úvod Fóra Trance Diskuse 19-12-2008 AH.FM EOYC 2008

  • Toto téma obsahuje celkem 655 odpovědí. Do diskuze (55 diskutujících) se naposledy zapojil uživatel Palda61 a poslední změna proběhla před 16 roky a 1 měsícem.
Aktuálně je na stránce zobrazeno 13 příspěvků - 646. až 658. (celkem z 658)
  • Autor
  • #105783

    [quote hellman]nifra chuděra jediná bez kapitálky
    docela čumim, i eelke kleijn
    klasicky se těšim na xijara a zbytek nechám náhodě :-)[/quote]

    prezijem to nejako sm3


    Stejně jako hellman :). XiJaro je asi můj nejočekávanější set.


    ja chci Precisiona :/

    Anonymní uživatel

    nifra chuděra jediná bez kapitálky
    docela čumim, i eelke kleijn
    klasicky se těšim na xijara a zbytek nechám náhodě 🙂


    Dosud známý line up:

    CET TIMES 19-Dec
    12:00 XiJaro
    13:00 Le Grand Renard
    14:00 Eddie Sender
    15:00 Jazper
    16:00 Bee bee
    17:00 Steve Allen & Ben Alonzi
    18:00 Santiago Nino
    19:00 Wippenberg
    20:00 Marcus Schossow
    21:00 Jonas Steur
    22:00 Eelke Kleijn
    23:00 Serge Devant
    0:00 Victoria
    1:00 Lazarus
    2:00 DistantLand
    3:00 Donatas
    4:00 Laceen
    5:00 George Vemag
    6:00 Moonbeam
    7:00 Rick Valentine
    8:00 Rey
    9:00 Matt Everson
    10:00 Amex
    11:00 Bart Claessen

    [b]Saturday Dec 20th[/b]

    12:00 Danny Oliveira
    13:00 Abuzz
    14:00 Vast Vision
    15:00 Hawk
    16:00 Simon & Shaker
    17:00 Magdelayna
    18:00 Mike Shiver
    19:00 4Strings
    20:00 Kristina Sky
    21:00 Niklas Harding
    22:00 Akira Kayosa
    23:00 Jared Knapp
    0:00 DJ Revox
    1:00 Peteerson
    2:00 Oliver Carr
    3:00 DJ Volt
    4:00 Config
    5:00 Maarten de Jong
    6:00 Ballo
    7:00 DanielD
    8:00 ghoste
    9:00 Shira-Ko
    10:00 Celtique
    11:00 Kowy

    [b]EOYC 2008 Day # 3
    Sunday Dec 21[/b]

    12:00 Phil Metcalfe
    13:00 Acues
    14:00 Klems
    15:00 Vicky Devine
    16:00 B.E.N.
    17:00 Amadeus
    18:00 Geri
    19:00 Ian Buff
    20:00 Adam Nickey
    21:00 Veselin tasev
    22:00 Mark Eteson
    23:00 Chamberlain
    0:00 Twister
    1:00 UzeYroS
    2:00 Andy Ace
    3:00 Miika Kuisma
    4:00 Dan Carmelo
    5:00 Dennis Shepperd
    6:00 Distant Identity
    7:00 CdMan
    8:00 Dj Luismi
    9:00 Steve Black
    10:00 Smartminds
    11:00 The Blizzard

    [b]EOYC 2008 Day 4
    Monday Dec 22[/b]

    12:00 Algarve
    13:00 Monogato
    14:00 Carl B
    15:00 Dan Stone
    16:00 Wardt
    17:00 Marc Marberg
    18:00 Scot Project
    19:00 Johan Gielen
    20:00 Talla 2XLC
    21:00 Cosmic Gate
    22:00 Philipe el SiSi
    23:00 Signalrunners
    0:00 nifra
    1:00 Sacha
    2:00 Revel
    3:00 DJ Abstraction
    4:00 Elucidate
    5:00 Dj Brave
    6:00 Storyteller
    7:00 Ian Russ
    8:00 JDF
    9:00 johnruchs
    10:00 Ivan Ionov
    11:00 DJ DeSaid

    [b]AH.FM EOYC 2008 Day #5
    Tuesday Dec 23[/b]

    12:00 7 Skies & Static Blue
    13:00 Darren McNally
    14:00 Mike Foyle
    15:00 Heatbeat
    16:00 Robert Nickson
    17:00 Bjorn Akesson
    18:00 Mike Nichol
    19:00 Tom Colontonio
    20:00 Markus Schulz
    21:00 Lange
    22:00 DJ Anna Lee
    23:00 DJ I.R.A.
    0:00 Aquile & TB
    1:00 DJ SlanG
    2:00 DJ Cre8or
    3:00 Tenthu
    4:00 Abstract Vision
    5:00 Cliff Coenraad
    6:00 Matt Trigle
    7:00 darzhliebek
    8:00 M6
    9:00 Hodel
    10:00 DSI
    11:00 Second Mind

    [b]EOYC 2008 Day 6
    Dec 24th[/b]

    12:00 Onova
    13:00 Mike Solar
    14:00 Angel Ace
    15:00 Paul Miller
    16:00 Sebastian Brandt
    17:00 Dj Shah
    18:00 Pedro del Mar
    19:00 Simon Patterson
    20:00 Sean Tyas
    21:00 Daniel Kandi
    22:00 Dj Orkidea
    23:00 Activa
    0:00 Airbase
    1:00 Infrasonic
    2:00 Ryan Tyas
    3:00 Greg Downey
    4:00 Dave Nadz
    5:00 Robbie Schwan
    6:00 Adam Meza
    7:00 Mike Emvee
    8:00 SevenWays
    9:00 Wizz
    10:00 Med vs. Neil Bamford
    11:00 Joni Ljungqvist


    Ten Schossow tam, to je z Meccy 🙂 Vidím Honzátose, Komoda, sebe 😉

    Anonymní uživatel

    jo.. dost dobre.. i ten ronnyho exklusivny podklad.. :D..


    pěkná reklama na český trance holky sm2


    Kruci… chci další disk, páč nahrávání mi pojede 14 dní v kuse sm0


    Hm, taky se celkem těším :o) A celkem mě zaujal ten song…a na konci koukám Ronny K….velmi slušné :o)


    sakra,to se zas nezvednu od kompusm15


    To bude zas masáááž sm5. Též se těším!


    [quote=Hello family, I’m sure your all familiar with the 4 letter syntax EOYC, End of Year Countdown. As „In The Mix series aswell DejaVU“ it was started by Afterhours last year. Last year we brought you 180 DJ’s non stop. Im proud to present that this year were back to make history, Afterhours.FM End of Year Countdown 2008 will consist of 300 DJ’s. Thats right, you might of seen many hints i have been giving out last few weeks „the movie 300“ the spartans are back and exclusive I must say Im really happy about this, myself and AH staff have been working on this since May. It has been alot of work, but this was my goal and we pulled it off. So thank you AH staffers for helping in this and making it happen. Now just a small favor I would like for all of you AH fans and addicts to do, help us to promote this I should say Worlds biggest online event. It means put the flyer on your myspace, facebook, personal sites whatever it is, its +1 for this family to grow. Below are embed code so you can add to your sites. I would like to thank you all for supporting this massive radio station. We will be posting lineups in parts… to keep it interesting Help with promotion!!]“Hello family, I’m sure your all familiar with the 4 letter syntax EOYC, End of Year Countdown. As „In The Mix series aswell DejaVU“ it was started by Afterhours last year. Last year we brought you 180 DJ’s non stop.

    Im proud to present that this year were back to make history, Afterhours.FM End of Year Countdown 2008 will consist of 300 DJ’s. Thats right, you might of seen many hints i have been giving out last few weeks „the movie 300“ the spartans are back and exclusive

    I must say Im really happy about this, myself and AH staff have been working on this since May. It has been alot of work, but this was my goal and we pulled it off. So thank you AH staffers for helping in this and making it happen.

    Now just a small favor I would like for all of you AH fans and addicts to do, help us to promote this I should say Worlds biggest online event. It means put the flyer on your myspace, facebook, personal sites whatever it is, its +1 for this family to grow.

    Below are embed code so you can add to your sites. I would like to thank you all for supporting this massive radio station.

    We will be posting lineups in parts… to keep it interesting

    Help with promotion!![/quote]

    Video zde:

    Na to se fakt těším sm3

Aktuálně je na stránce zobrazeno 13 příspěvků - 646. až 658. (celkem z 658)
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