Úvod › Fóra › Trance Diskuse › Andrea Ribeca – Nu NRG 2hr Producers set – Exclusive by Plasma Future!
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ErikDeejay a poslední změna proběhla před 9 roky a 11 měsíci.
22. 3. 2015 v 13:57 #216986
Anonymní uživatel
HostBen Lost urobil aspoň „retrospective set“ po akcii aj s tracklistom:
1. Mogwai – Fear Satan (Surgeon Remix) (1998)
2. Sharpside – Wavecruising (Rotation) (2001)
3. Coast to Coast – Be With Me (Religion Music) (2002)
4. Airwave – Venus of My Dreams (Bonzai Italy) (1998)
5. L.S.G – Jillanity (Oliver Lieb Club Mix 2) (Hooj) (2000)
6. Sander Kleinenburg – Sacred (1999)
7. 2 Digital – Because of My Dreams (Triple XXX Red) (1999)
8. Condor – Sky (Moon Mix) (Final Chapter) (1999)
9. Jon Vesta – Gull (Stonehouse) (1999)
10. Moogwai – Labyrinth (Part 1) (Platipus) (Platipus) (2001)
11. Breeder – The Chain (Rhythm Syndicate) (1998)
12. D-Formaz – Stargate (Kaycee Mix) (Radiz Records) (1999)
13. Natious – Amber (Silk Remix) (Amato International) (2000)
14. Condor II – You Can Kiss My.. (Light of Day Mix) (Big Star) (2000)22. 3. 2015 v 13:54 #216985Anonymní uživatel
HostMajkle…pár trackov som od Jerryho poznal…ale inak to boli prevažne „underplayed“ raritky z Hooj Choons labelu..aj tak asi najviac ma ale potešil s Xpander od Sashy 🙂
Sety sa bohužiaľ nenahrávali…len nejaké video útržky na YT…takže šanca, že dá niekto dohromady tracklist, je mizivá…jedine nejaký Hooj Choons fanatik…a takých tam bolo asi dosť….u Nu NRG to taký problém nebol 😉
22. 3. 2015 v 12:26 #216984Anonymní uživatel
Hosthmm ted uz jen pokud budes vedet red jerryho tracklist a vic k ty akci vedet nepotrebuji 😉
21. 3. 2015 v 18:14 #216983ErikDeejay
Člentracklist by me sm11
1. Nu NRG – Eclisse
2. Nu NRG – Supersonik Way
3. Nu NRG vs Gate 4 – Astralis
4. Active Sight – Tears Of Joy (Nu NRG Remix)
5. Nu NRG – Butterfly
6. FX Zone – Synthasia (Nu NRG Remix)
7. Paul Van Dyk – For An Angel (Nu NRG Remix)
8. Nu NRG – Free Fall
9. Andrea Ribeca feat. Lokka – Cyberfly (Dub Mix)
10.Nu NRG – Connective
11.Murphy Brown & Nu NRG – Aloa-P (Mr. Pink Mix)
12.Andrea Ribeca – Sogni Progressivi (Original mix)
13.Nu NRG – Dreamland
14.Nu NRG – Illusion (Club Mix)
15.The Moon feat. Nu NRG – The Moon Loves The Sun
16.Three Drives – Carrera 2 (Nu Nrg Remix)
17.New Energy – Take Your Air (2003 Remix)
18.Andrea Ribeca & Nu NRG – Energizer (DJ Overdog Mischung)
19.Andrea Ribeca & Nu NRG – Energizer (Club Mix)
20.Basic Down – Pure Thrust (Nu NRG Remix)
21.Andrea Ribeca – Tec Lock
22.Nu NRG – To Slide
23.Angelic Touchdown – Marinero (Nu NRG Remix)
24.The Moon feat. Nu NRG – High Volume
25.Nu NRG – Tommotor
26.Nu NRG – The Mind16. 3. 2015 v 14:15 #216968ErikDeejay
ČlenŽivotný set!!!! 2 hodiny husiny a sĺz na krajíčku!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Som strašne rád, že som sa nakoniec odhodlal a vyrazil tam s bráchom..
12. 3. 2015 v 19:37 #216960Anonymní uživatel
Teším sa jak malý!!!!!
25. 12. 2014 v 12:02 #216690ErikDeejay
ČlenChystáte sa niekto?
Ja tam razím s bráchom…myslím, že podobná možnosť, splniť si jeden z posledných nesplnených trancových snov, sa už asi nezopakuje….:-/ i Andrea mi to tak trochu potvrdil na FB….síce to nie je Nu NRG live, ale Ribeca mi bol vždycky tak nejak sympatickejší a nejak to oželiem bez Giuseppeho 🙂
A od Pepeho sa asi Nu NRG producers setov nedočkáme… možno až keď bude mať problém udržať moč a dojdú mu prachy…:)
BTW…najviac sa asi vyplatí letieť lowcostom do Londýna a potom bus/vlak. 🙂
8. 12. 2014 v 12:50 #216623Anonymní uživatel
HostPremýšľam, či všetky tie náklady stoja za ten jeden 2-hodinový set, ale asi stoja…:-) neviem, či sa dá spoliehať na to, že zahraje niekde bližšie od ČR…
8. 12. 2014 v 5:21 #216622Anonymní uživatel
Neaktivnítak když se k tomu pepé nemá, tak se toho někdo musel ujmout no 🙂
1. 12. 2014 v 22:32 #216604Nulda
Účastníksm10 sm10 sm10 sm10 sm10 sm10 sm10 sm10 sm10 sm10
1. 12. 2014 v 15:52 #216601ErikDeejay
ČlenSakryš…Andrea hráva Nu NRG sety??? Veľmi lákavé…….sm10
Možno do tej doby zahraje aj niekde bližšie než v UK……….chcelo by to asi checkovať jeho FB….sm5
1. 12. 2014 v 15:50 #216600ErikDeejay
Plasma Future is back on Friday 13th March 2015 and were going back to “South” with our biggest underground club night to date featuring 4 guest DJs, 3 Plasma Future debuts and 2 UK/World exclusives.
The legendary “Red Jerry” will be headlining Plasma Future with an exclusive „Hooj Choons“ retrospective set on Friday 13th March 2015 featuring all the classics from the worlds most icon record label , expect a set list including a full spectrum from the “Hooj Choons” back catalogue from Progressive House through to trance alongside Red Jerry’s favorite production from the 1990’s and early 00s, Red Jerry hasn’t played out for over a decade now so this is something very special for all „Hooj Choons“ records fans.
For one night only the Stick man is resurrected, its time to celebrate this legendary Record label as “Red Jerry” the original founder of Hooj Choons records comes to Plasma Future for a „ONE OFF“ exclusive DJ Set.
[b]The second headlining DJ on the bill flying into Manchester direct from “Rome, Italy” is Andrea Ribeca from „NU NRG“ who will also be headlining Plasma Future with an exclusive “NU NRG” Producers set, expect all the „NU NRG“ Productions and remixes from one of the original members of the now retired and legendary trance duo “NU NRG”.[/b]
Here’s your chance to catch a full NU NRG Set once again everyone as “Andrea Ribeca” comes to Plasma Future and the UK once again for a “ONE OFF” World exclusive extended Andrea Ribeca [NU NRG producers set] a must see for all NU NRG fans out there![/size]
Head honcho at „Lost Language“, front man of recently signed to Perfecto Records “Federation” alongside being co-promoter and resident DJ at underground club night based in Sheffield “Indigo Void” plus online “Indigo Void” Radio show Pod casts, Ben Lost is without doubt one of the hardest working people in the industry and one of the most talented DJs in the scene, his DJ sets capture you on the dance floor and take you into a dark void with his trade mark tension building sets covering a full spectrum of electronic music including Psy Trance, Futuristic Trance and Techno, his last set at Plasma was unbelievable , rave reviews from his DJ sets at Majefa and Indigo Void soon followed, it’s time to listen to the Plasma Future regulars and welcome Ben Lost back to Manchester and his over due return to Plasma Future.
Terry Pointon a man who needs no introduction in the city of Manchester, co founder of the now legendary club night “Tangled” which was the cities longest running club night up to 2014 and helped put Manchester on the clubbing map as one the best uk cities for clubbing with it’s underground ethos alongside bringing the biggest names in dance music every week to the legendary Phoenix Club of Oxford Road, with a salute to the past and “Tangled” Terry Pointon will be doing a “Tangled Progressive Classics Set” exclusively at Plasma Future.
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