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  • #87398

    a třešnička:


    Hádají se Francouz, Američan a Rus, co je největší štěstí. Francouz říká: „Pro mě bylo největší štěstí, když si takhle večer sedím doma, v tom zazněl zvonek, otevřel jsem, za dveřmi stála Claudia Schiffer v kožichu a pod tím kožichem už nic neměla.“ Američan říká: „Pro mě bylo největší štěstí, když jsem takhle seděl večer doma, zazvonil zvonek, za dveřmi stál pošťák a doručil mi dopis, že jsem zdědil deset milionů dolarů.“ Rus na to říká: „To nic není, pro mě bylo největší štěstí, když takhle sedím doma, zazvoní zvonek, otevřu, tam stojí muži v civilu a ptají se: ‚Bydlí tady Ivan Ivanovič?‘ a já na to ‚o patro výš’“.





    tak tohle mě položilo s tou romkousm15sm15


    Co říkají ženy přistižené při nevěře:

    Jamesi, kdybys mě byl včas informoval o tom, kdy přijdeš domů, mohli jsme se oba vyhnout této skutečně oboustranně trapné situaci.

    Hans, dnes jsi přišel z práce o 4 minuty a 45 vteřin dříve než obvykle. To mi budeš muset vysvětlit!

    Jean, dobře, že jdeš, tohle hovado uz nemůže.

    To jsi ty, Olafe? Já už jsem sice hotova, ale Sven se ješte chce bavit, přidej se k nám.

    Ivane, konečně pořádný chlap! Tenhle mi před tím ani po hubě nedal.

    Izáku, to jsi ty? A kdo to potom, proboha, leží na mně?

    Dimitru, o nic se nestarej, zaplatil dopředu.

    Maďarka (vyskočí z postele):
    Ištváne, věříš víc mně – nebo svým očím?

    Pepo, můžeš bejt klidnej. Právě jsem se dozvěděla, že tohle je tvůj příští šéf.

    Jano, čo iného som mu mala ponúknúť, keď si vyslopal všetku borovičku?

    Dežo, držim ho tu už dve hodiny, abys mu ukradol peňaženku!



    15) When u stand at the back of a party saying ‚The shit isn’t hard enough‘

    Tak je to jasný sm11


    42) When you know the lyrics to every Beastie Boys track, but you’ve never been a Beastie Boys fan.

    To je dobrý sm15


    you are into hardstyle when …..

    1) You’re walking along and you hear a drill in the background and you think it would make a good sample

    2) Half of your songs in your playlist have ‚Z’s‘ instead of ‚S’s (justsaymaybe)

    3) People wonder why you pronounce certain words with a Dutch accent

    4) All of a sudden hardcore, doesn’t seem that hardcore

    5) When spending thousands of dollars just to go to a festival overseas seems perfectly rational.

    6) Whenever you hear a good line in a movie, you think of sampling it in a track.

    7) The 3 most common words in your vocabulary are Bitches, Psycho and Cocaine.

    8) You know how to beatbox with distorted kicks

    9) You watch movies just to hear the sample from your favourite tracks.

    10) Your ears are almost always ringing, and when they aren’t, it’s because you’re blaring hardstyle music louder than the ringing!

    11) When people think you use ecstasy just because you go out to raves.

    12) When u hear an old song and think of ways it would be rewritten into hardstyle.

    13) When you’re walking or driving home after a party and u swear u can hear someone somewhere is playing a hardstyle track u know, but in actual fact all u can hear is the background noise from the goings on around u.

    14) When you’re at a house party, a club or walking through the city and you and a friend break into a muzza dance while sayin „COKE COKE COKE COCAINE MOTHER FUCKER!“

    15) When u stand at the back of a party saying ‚The shit isn’t hard enough‘

    16) When u replace all the letter ‚C’s‘ with ‚Q’s‘ in your internet convo’s

    17) When you pay $80 for a ticket to a party and sit in the carpark all night dancing to a hardstyle CD because the music in the party isn’t hard enough..

    18) When your stereo starts to sound really distorted and you say ‚I think it’s the track‘

    19) When the sign you had a good night out is blood trickling out of your ears.

    20) When you carry a CD/CD wallet on you or in your car when u go to peoples house’s or house parties just incase the music isn’t hard enough.

    21) you know your into hardstyle when you’re having sex and just as your about to shoot your load u yell out ‚ C C C C C C C QLLLLLLIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMAAAAAXXXXXXXXX‘

    22) When u scan the coastline for hours looking for spots to throw raves.

    23) When you hear a plane flying over low and you think that the noise what you are hearing can be used as a nu-style bassline.

    24) You live with Dj Hellraiser and spend all your free time making samples and writing tracks.

    25) You’re out at the local tavern for uni night, pissed off your nut and you run up to the DJ and go „play some fucking hardstyle!“ and then he drops Colours of the Harder Styles and everyone clears the dance floor but your there stomping away and everyone looking at you like your a freak.

    26) When you started as a trance loving, hardstyle hating person, and then suddenly find yourself front centre of a HS rave, fisting the air and screaming the lyrics a year later.

    27) You can fall asleep to the scratchy screeches, distorted bass lines and pounding kicks.

    28) When you beatbox with reverse bass

    29) You know your into hardstyle when ur at a party and you dont even notice theres a dj until that shitty house he’s playing goes on steroids

    30) That you used to be into other genres of music more (eg. punk) but over time your interest in those and listening time has waned somewhat. You maybe thought (possibly even hoped a little) that with time the same would happen with hardstyle….cept it hasn’t…the interest/listening/love has only intensified

    31) The music that you initially wrote off as being too hard/full on/brutal/unrelenting almost head-ache-rendering….now can’t get enough of the stuff. N the harder the better!

    32) You can identify a myriad of single/simple beat song intros that to anyone else all sound almost identical.

    33) When somebody talks about there job and you manage to somehow get in the phrase „Fuck 9 to 5 jobs“ (Astroventura)

    35) when someone says ‚Fuck that shit‘, and you reply ‚i’m going fucking old school‘

    36) When you get close to tears of joy when you hear an epic build up.

    37) When your on the train on the way home after a big night out and you can actually dance to the train sounds and hear the song it plays

    38) When you listen to every song and say „It would sound so much better as Hardstyle“

    39) When your fav DJ drops your fav track at a huge party and you lose all control and scream like a banshee!

    40) When your at Transmission and you see the ad for Q-DANCE Aussie Tour and you and your mate(s) go so balistic that people in your immediate area feel their lives are at risk.

    41) Every metal track you hear just isnt satisfying anymore….

    42) When you know the lyrics to every Beastie Boys track, but you’ve never been a Beastie Boys fan.

    43) You stand at an event for 9 hours straight listening to the stuff!

    44) When you’re pondering coinciding your grand Europe tour with the last Q-Base at its current location.

    45) When you try make melodies out of beeping elevator buttons

    Fox Mulder

    2 Škvára: Ty voe to je geniální to s tim Hitlerem!! sm15sm15sm15


    Manžel se vrátí hladový domů, otevře ledničku a tam nahý chlap. „Kdo jsi?“ – „Váňa.“ – „A co tu děláš?“ – „Jím klobásu.“ Manžel se tím pochlubí v práci a kolega mu říká: „Ty jsi ale blbec – to byl milenec a měl jsi mu rozbít hubu!“ Manžel se vrátí domů, otevře ledničku a tam zase chlap. „Kdo jsi?“ – „Serjoža.“ – „A co tu děláš?“ – „Jím klobásu.“ – „Tak poslyš, až uvidíš Váňu, vyřiď mu, že mu rozbiju hubu!“

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