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Úvod Fóra Trance Diskuse Orjan Nilsen a slova ohledne vyvoje „trance“

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  • #211168

    [quote nexxie]vsechno se meni, lidi, ceny benzinu, hudba,..
    a trance roku 2000 neni to samy jako trance roku 2006 a ten neni jako trance roku 2012.

    live with it[/quote]

    Svatá pravda! A proto dubsteeeeeeeeeeep!!!sm5sm15


    [quote nexxie]vsechno se meni, lidi, ceny benzinu, hudba,..
    a trance roku 2000 neni to samy jako trance roku 2006 a ten neni jako trance roku 2012.

    live with it[/quote]

    +1 svatá pravda! 🙂


    vsechno se meni, lidi, ceny benzinu, hudba,..
    a trance roku 2000 neni to samy jako trance roku 2006 a ten neni jako trance roku 2012.

    live with it


    Opravdových trancovek, který by se daly srovnávat se zlatýma rokama trancu vyšlo za poslední 2-3 roky jak šafránu. Producenti to zkoušeli a zkoušeli a ti co dřív vypoštěli jednu pecku za druhou to zkoušeli marně téměř ve všech případech (Corsten, Armin, ATB….. našlo by se jich dost). Pak přišel Big room house nebo Trouse, jak chcete, u kterýho si evidentně všichni producenti všimli, že má co nabídnout. Já bych to určitě nebral, alespoň ne u všech djů jako honbu za penězma, ale jako zdroj stylu, kterej je trancu poměrně blízkej a hlavně má co nabídnout a neni tak vyčerpanej jako čistej trance. Mrzí mě, že třeba zrovna Arty, kterej se svym soundem mohl trancu ještě něco dát přešel k housu tak rychle, ale pokud to nebudete brát až tak moc osobně, tak musíte uznat, že i ty jeho housový výtvory jsou hodně top a sem tam ještě vyplodí i nějakej ten trance. Musim se producentů zastat, že je chápu, že radši půjdou za většinovym obecenstvem a ke stylu, kterej v tuhle chvíli neleží na smrtelný posteli. Trance je podle mýho názoru v tuhle chvíli v období, kdy by se měla omezit produkce a naopak na akcích by se měly začít hrát plně klasický sety, protože si myslim, že to by si většina z nás moc přála…….


    bla bla bla………….mám najradšej tie kecy o „vývoji“ a o tom, že ich už nebaví produkovať jeden typ hudby a že potrebujú nové výzvy…sm12


    Pokud je to moc „spammy“, tak to klildne smaznete.


    Nejake zajimave komentare:

    [i]Would ANYONE book you if you still made stuff like LA guitarra or even lovers lane? no. And you KNOW this. You might fool the majority of #trancefamily retards but dude. Honestly.[/i]

    Reakce Orjana:
    [i]I’ve made La Guitarra.. I’ve made Legions.. I’‹e made Amsterdam and Between The Rays.. You want me to make it again..? for what purpose? to show I’m a one trick pony able to make only one style? Think what you want, I’ve never been in it for the money! I do want to make a living yes, so I can CONTINUE making what I WANT! If I ever make something I dont want to make..? why would I? I dont want to do that! I’m not Max Marting waiting to produce the next Britney Spears or God Forbid, the next Bieber.. I make want I want to make, cause it makes me a better producer! Everyone says house,commercial is cheap.. some yes.. the REAL house, is absolutely astonishing productionwise! I LOVE MUSIC!! every bit of it, as long as it’s good! I wouldn’t even have participated in this convo if it didnt mean the world to me! I love what I do, and I won’t be submissed by people who THINK they know aaaall about trance and the genres at hand! Face it.. ACDC, Metallica, heck even Paul McCartney can tour with his old tracks, can trance DJs? where’s Johan Gielen? DJ Dazzle, Misja Helsloot, Three Drives, even fucking Galen Behr!!?? times have changed, it always will, and I love to try out new things! I’ve never been bound to one style! Check Down and Dirty, Scrubs, Woodchunk, Charger,Vivida etc.. I’ve always done what I feel like ^^ I just love the fact people accepts different things 🙂 no matter what people call it! I rest my case!! and thanks, I now know, I DO have a loyal following, accepting the fact a producer has to evolve and try out new stuff![/i]

    [i]At least Markus Schulz had the decency to reply to his fambase with an honest wholehearted „if I don’t produce this kind of music my career will die because the scene is different“. Orjan your reply is the same copy/paste bullshit reply that tyas/Patterson/fucking EVERYONE is giving the fans these days. Its fucking pathetic.[/i]

    [i]It seems to be a new hype to bash producers when they make something that is not trance, I really hope this hype stops asap. Well said Orjan, just keep doing whatever you want and don’t let other people tell you what you should do![/i]

    [i]I’m really sick of this „evolving“ bullsh*t. Nowadays when a popular producer is „evolving“ or „trying new things“, it’s mostly just a lame excuse for jumping the bandwagon and starting to produce what’s most popular at the time (cheap trouse, vocal cheese etc.. ). I’m not pointing my finger at you here, just talking in general.
    Music should definitely evolve, but the mainstream trance scene currently isn’t evolving at all, it’s just getting worse and making trance lose its identity.

    [i]Also the only scenes going to shit are trance, house and dub step. NON of these genres sound ANYTHING like the way they originally started. AT ALL. evolution is one thing but buttfucking something producers helped build just to please the fucking american teenagers is really, really sad. I feel legitimately sorry for people who believe this shit like orjans post today. Just fucking admit you’re doing it because its what selling these days and we can all fucking move on.[/i]

    [i]Narrow minded because APPARENTLY we have to accept that something we have loved for 12+ years and some even longer is being raped just for the $.[/i]


    Mozna to nekoho bude zajimat, mozna ne – Orjanovo vyjadreni na FB ke zmenu stylu, jeho dalsimu smerovani atd. A pod nim dost zhava diskuse. Co vy na to? Ja jsem jeste porad novacek, tak o vyvoji teto hudby nemuzu moc soudit…

    [url=]Odkaz na jeho FB[/url]

    [i]Now, I just have to write this as I feel it’s about time!
    No, I haven’t quit on trance, never will! But for Gods sake.. I’m a producer, through and through! I need challenges, I need to make what I feel like ^^ I’ve always done it, and will continue to do so! Now for those who’s followed trance since the early days, will realise, that todays progressive house is more similar to trance, than the uplifting 140bpm released nowadays! I have made just a few 140bpm trance tracks in my time, in fact, the track that made me famous was 130bpm, and was HATED for the most part of 2008. Now? It’s considered a trance classic, and the vast majority of the people who hated it back then, now ask me „why can’t you make a track more similar to that one?“! Easy, I won’t cause then people will ask me to re-new myself and not follow my old paths(Which I TOTALLY agree with)! I will ALWAYS continue to re-new myself, doing different things, not just because the times and the people tell me to, but because I WANT to change! I WANT to do different things!
    Now, if producers didn’t, you would never have the sounds of today, you would never get a new following or keep people interested in our beloved genre!
    You want me to stay the same? to do things I’ve done a HUNDRED times before? your in the wrong place, following the wrong artist! I will never stop developing, I will never stop giving myself challenges, if i do? I might just aswell quit making music right now.. I do have one of the best followings in the WORLD! A tolerante, openminded following that want the music to evolve! Aswell as me as a producer! Embrace change, embrace the possibility of a new future! Who says it’s house? for me, it’s still trance in a new coat! People hated Tiesto’s Flight 643 cause it lacked melody, still one of my own personal favorites from that! All I’m saying is: If you really do love this genre, if you really do want to see the artists you’ve admired and listened to, please.. Don’t keep us larvaes.. make us blossom! make us challenge ourselves and re-new ourselves to YOUR and OUR liking! I will never, EVER leave trance, I have too many melodies to give still, but let me wrap em‘ as I see fit! 🙂 And to end this? I LOVE my #TeamOrjan ♥ always have, always will.. #ForeverAndEverBaby!

    -Ørjan Nilsen :)[/i]

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