tak pravdu má Škvára, jsou to vypůjčený ty Guns N‘ Roses, původně to byl bootleg
[quote-0=Sean Tyas @ facebook.com/notes/sean-tyas/sean-tyas-solo-plus-organ-donors-remix/10150153190916846]As featured on ASOT this past week, the Organ Donors remix plus an all new original version of Solo will be out in just a few weeks on Armada due mid-May!
Originally started 2 years ago as a bootleg Sweet Child Of Mine remix, and in order to legally release the track, I have „covered“ the guitar sound, changed the name, and literally polished up, changed, and polished the whole track up to take it to a new level. Hope you enjoy!! It’s very different from how it was …
Stay tuned!
onen zmiňovaný bootleg…