In response to the storm of reactions on the new release „Joyenergizer“, we feel we should clear to air a little bit. Sander’s label Doorn Records officially cleared the master sample taken from the original record by Joy Kitikonti, who is also credited as writer/composer. There was some misunderstanding regarding the title, but that has been rectified straight away. Sander wants to thank Joy Kitikonti for his willing collaboration on the project. Peace to all of you & Merry Christmas everyone!!
Spinnin‘ records
[quote-0=Joy Kitikonti]Dear Spinnin, Dear Sander,
I want to say thank you for explaining what has happened regarding Joyenergizer.
The problem is that the publisher told me always..and.. is not the first time I see one of my songs reworked and released with the title changed..
Life would be better if people speak..
Warm Regards and happy new Era
Joy Kitikonti[/quote-0]