Úvod › Fóra › Trance Diskuse › Welcome to the world of SENSATION!
- Toto téma obsahuje celkem 1 odpověď. Do diskuze (15 diskutujících) se naposledy zapojil uživatel
Dexx a poslední změna proběhla před 16 roky a 9 měsíci.
3. 6. 2008 v 22:16 #85789
Členiamek to rozsekl a má pravdu sm15
3. 6. 2008 v 22:02 #85787iamek
ČlenJdete uz do pitche se Sensation
3. 6. 2008 v 21:45 #85783marek
Člennějak postrádam smysl tohodle threadu sm13
3. 6. 2008 v 21:40 #85782Star_Guitar
Člena to bude každá Senzejšn kravina mít novej topic? už tady máme Sensation White téma, které bylo založeno před akcí, pak dojmy z akce, nakonec průzkum spokojenosti a pak jako třešinku na dortu tohle… stačilo by, ne?
3. 6. 2008 v 21:37 #85780Binary
ČlenEh? sm6
3. 6. 2008 v 21:22 #85778Dexx
ČlenPomůže mi někdo???? sm7
Welcome… to this beautiful world that is filled with seduction and driven by passion… Welcome… to Paradise…
Let yourself be carried away on a incredible journey through a place that gets more intense with every breath you take…
Feel the unity with the beautiful people all around you and experience the surroundings as they change into mesmerizing shapes and forms…WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF… S E N S A T I O N!!!!
The sacred place under the branches of beauty is the start of our journey into the land of misteries and fantasies… For thousands of years is has stood for life, growth and beauty…
In this magical world we call it… The Oak of Love…Tonight, the first step into this larger world will be taken by
Once you are paralysed by looks of the creatures
and their surroundings, their world becomes resistably
seductive, butterflies will flewer in your stomach,
and you wil be drawn into this new world fall of ???
and floating, you’ll see the roots transform into a alter??
for sirens and temperases??,
The violins will play their magical sounds
as you allow yourself to be carried away to the land where time stands still.Hello, my dear creatures of love,
Let me be you guide To nirvana,
Magical beams emerge from everywhere
And you will forget where you are,
Come with me and follow the desires,
not necoself seductive into next emotion state,Feel the physical attraction admited by
Live out this night with me and let me guide you through your wildest dreams, deeper, into the side of powerful emotions, let’s ……. of forbidden …. and full in love? Drawning and recive the (tady je neco jako „nezmernou“ nebo neco takovyho) kiss of life. Please welcome Fedde Le Grand!
Please welcome FEDDE LE GRAND
First you were tempteted,
then you were seduced.
And now your heartbeat is rising twicest fast as when you entered this Arena.
So you are now ready (twintoulge???) your wildest fantazies.
Are you ready to be confronted with provocative side of Sensation.Surrender to the MEGAMIX!
There is no turning back now, the temptation and seduction …….. into this infernal of passion.
Are you also totally overpowered? By the thoughts of making love? …….. desires ………. unstopable ……..
Let his beat control your body!
Please welcome AXWELL!Show your respect for Axwell!
Is the one that keeps you … and re….. to your lives, ……. moments of weakness and compares you to all his drive for to givenes??? and happyness. Beauty, seduction, passion, it all leads to love. Love conquers all!
Ted se zpiva „I feel Love!“
Feel the love!Please welcome MARCUS SCHULZ!
Raise your hands for Marcus Schulz!
The air is now filled with the sensation fully? of love. Your senses have been part of life, through …cation, warf?? and joy. Take these parts of happyness with you and give all your positive energy to the final perfomer.
Show your respect for Marco V!
Show your respect for Marco V!
Sensation ends NOW!
Thnx ondrab.
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